Since the 1930s, an important topic of Hungarian public discourse in Transylvania is emigration and economic migration. While before the 1989 revolution the issue was put in a moral context…
Category: Research

Facultative Hungarian language education in Romania
THE COMPLETE BOOK: Keszeg Erika – Toró Tibor: „Örültünk, hogy van egy táblánk, egy krétánk, meg ahova beüljünk…” Fakultatív magyarnyelv-oktatás Erdélyben. Kolozsvár: Bálványos Intézet (2020) Conduction period: February – November…

Romania and language rights in public administration
Conduction period: May 2014 – February 2015Goals of the researchRomania signed the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in 1995 and ratified it in 2008. The obligations assumed entered…

Bilingualism, language rights and linguistic assertiveness in three major cities in Transylvania
Conduction period: march 2019 –Romania has an interesting linguistic regime, since it develops an asymmetrical relationship between majority and minority languages. Dominant language ideologies and the legal framework defines the…

Linguistic landscape of schools in Romania
Conduction period: February 2019 –A multilingual language use and a multilingual linguistic landscape in educational institutions is extremely important, since this is the first institutional place where Hungarian students are…

Regional cleavages in Romania. Perceptions of development, regional identities and regional movements
THE COMPLETE BOOK:Kiss Tamás, Csata István şi Toró Tibor: Regional barometer 2019. Development idealism, regional identities, perception of corruption, concept of democracy and anti Hungariana in Romania. Cluj – Sf.…