National Identity and Relations with Hungary among Hungarians in Transylvania - 2021

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National Identity and Relations with Hungary among Hungarians in Transylvania - 2021

The national identity survey of the Bálványos Institute was conducted in July 2021 on a representative sample of 1,218 Transylvanian Hungarians. Data was collected by the polling company Transylvania Inquiry. The researchers involved in the survey are Tamás Kiss (researcher at the National Institute for Minority Studies, co-owner of Transylvania Inquiry) and Tibor Toró (lecturer at Sapientia EMTE, research director of the Bálványos Institute).

The aim of the questionnaire survey was to investigate the identity structure and nation concept of Hungarians in Romania and their relationship with Hungary.

The questionnaire survey covered the following topics:
  • the determinant factors of and changes in national identity and the concept of nation
  • the relationship to politics in Hungary and Romania
  • Hungarian citizenship, voting options

The results were compared with the results of the Institute for Minority Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2007 and 2010, the National Institute for Minority Research in 2013, Kvantum Research in 2016 and the Bálványos Institute in 2019, which all had similar themes.

Characteristics of the data collection:
  • Target population: Hungarians over 18 years old from Transylvania
  • Type of survey: PAPI (Pen-and-Paper Personal Interview)
  • Sample size: 1,218 persons
  • Period: 15 June – 26 July 2021
  • Sampling type: stratified sampling with random starting point and scale
  • Error margin: ± 2.9%
  • Results were weighted by type of settlement, gender and age
Publications, presentations and press releases on the topic
  • Presentation – available for download HERE.
  • Short summary – available for download HERE.
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