Language use and Public Life in Satu Mare

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Language use and Public Life in Satu Mare

The Bálványos Institute has commissioned TT Research & Communications to conduct a sociological survey of the population’s language use habits and opinions on public life. The survey was a paper questionnaire survey, considered representative for the Hungarian population of Satu Mare.

The aim of the survey is to gain a deeper insight into the attitudes of the Hungarian population of Satu Mare towards language use and their views on public life. During the survey, we wanted to get information on the satisfaction of the people with the work of the leaders of public institutions, on how the population perceives the development of the city, and in the field of language usage, we wished to learn about different language habits and the attitude of Romanians towards Hungarians from the perspective of Hungarians. The data were also analysed by background variables (gender, age, education, occupation, activity, income, composition of friendship group, Romanian language skills). A similar study was carried out in Oradea on public life and language usage, so we were able to draw parallels between the data.

Criteria for the data collection

  • Period of the inquiry: 25 June 2019 – 25 September 2019.
  • Target population: the Hungarian population of Satu Mare over the age of 18.
  • Sample size: 475 persons.
  • Type of survey: face-to-face, with interviewers at the respondent’s home, via the TT Research & Communications’ network of interviewers.
  • Sampling type: stratified random sampling.

Download the full text of the report from HERE.

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